Fundamentals of Hypnotherapy

Course Number: HYP 702
Credit Hours: 2
  • Dr. Maylin Batista
Course content will include 1) How to administer a pre-talk; 2) How to hypnotize including the depth stages of hypnosis and emerging procedures; 3) students will learn the 3 step induction procedure, Dr. Flower’s Hypnotic Induction Technique, and self-hypnosis; 4) students will learn how to incorporate the Swish Pattern to aid clients in behavior modification; 5) students are introduced to the 6 depth stages of hypnosis and criteria for judging trance depth; 6) students will practice and demonstrate the fundamentals of hypnosis.

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9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 33138

(305) 891-1827